Job Vacancies

 We often have opportunities to provide counselling and training services to community.

Our current vacancies will also be available on Seek.

For any enquiries please contact or phone (07) 3899 5041.

We are currently looking for

    • Male and Female Counsellors and youth workers (Identified).


How to apply

Submit your resume, and one page about you and your interest in working with us via the Seek advertisement.

For counselling or AOD positions, shortlisted applicants will be required to fill out and return QCS application forms (including a Criminal History Check, and consent forms).

Due to the large number of applications we can receive, only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. 

What is an Identified or Specified position?

Identified  Position – applicants are required to identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person as permitted by and arguable under sections 25, 104 and 105 of the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act (1991).

Specified Position – applicants are required to nominate an Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander person who is recognised and accepted within the community as a referee to support their ability to meet the key responsibilities.