Partners In Recovery (PIR) – North Stradbroke Island

Gallang Place recently invited eight Partners In Recovery (PIR) participants to attend a three-day cultural camp on Minjerrabah, North Stradbroke Island.

The camp, held in May 2017, connected participants with the country to increase social and community participation through cultural activities. Participants had the rare opportunity to engage with 2017 NAIDOC award-winning Minjerribah Moorgumpin Elders who happily shared their Quandamooka culture and traditions at Terra Bulla, the Old Aboriginal Mission.

Traditional land owner Mathew Burns delivered an artefact and cultural talk on the hidden yet very well-documented histories of Minjerribah (Stradbroke Island) and Moorgumpin (Moreton Island). The group also went on the Gorriemooka 4WD Tour with traditional land owner Brian Coghill across the island to appreciate the natural flora and fauna plus the Aboriginal connection to land and sea.

Participants also learnt how to make fire, weave grass skirts, fillet mullet fish and prepare traditional food.

 Feedback from participants was amazing. Here is what a few had to say:

“They have all helped me have an understanding about other cultures, and [it] was good to get away and enjoy what others loved to do. The birds’ singing helped me with my healing or so I believe.”

“Thank you for all your help and support. Thanks for understanding and the time your staff has helped our group to enjoy something new. I had a great time and would like to do it again. Thank you for asking me to join your group, I will never forget the great time [we had].”

“I liked the first activity the most ’cause we sat down as a group and listened to the Elders, and you could hear in their voices what the land/place of home meant to them and their people.”